Sunday, March 27, 2011

Crap! I've been Rip Van Winkled!!!

Shaking off the "Zzz" and getting back to blogging. Haven't had that umpf lately in anything I do, but the days are getting longer and it's time to blog. I'm ashamed to admit I haven't finished anything but a pair of socks and now have that darn sock bug! Like I need other sicknesses in my life. (lately Ive been cruising fiber batts and giving spindles a come hither wink, started dreaming about weaving and wondering if I have the right weft -smiles-) It's enough just to get knitting done. I like knitting, but somehow the finishing part got lost in there somewhere. Looks like I need more discipline, or more interesting yarns to inspire, resolutions be darn!! (u knew that was coming, right?? lol)

Knit n Crochet week blogging will start this Monday, March 28th (also my youngest daughter's birthday), and I didn't have a clue until StephCuddles tweeted me. (yep I'm tweeting too....I'm up people, I'm awake!)
Seems like a grand opportunity to really get back into a daily blogging routine, to finally give the winter blahs a good shake off and to tell spring to pump up the temp abit. (here it's like winter, the sequel)

Did a few activities, like going to the flow show and really enjoying the beautiful displays but egad! the people. Trying to navigate through that crowd was like being born over and over again. It was a tight  squeeze and I wanted to cry!! lol

Maryland's Sheep and Wool Festival is coming up soon and I'm trying to decide if I can go. (work has been beastly and I am its overtime b---h!) Making future plans for weekend events are pipe dreams at best for the moment. Ive never been and would really like to go. Lets hope I can get away.

Here's a picture of my first socks and I leave you with this, "Never give up and you will have socks"


xenastew said...

Wow those socks are the best. They look really good. Glad to see you back to blogging. Venture out and hook up with others.

Vivianne said...

Yes, those socks are really pretty :-)