Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Day Three: 30th March. Tidy mind, tidy stitches.

How do you keep your yarn wrangling organised? It seems like an easy to answer question at first, but in fact organisation exists on many levels. Maybe you are truly not organised at all, in which case I am personally daring you to try and photograph your stash in whatever locations you can find the individual skeins. However, if you are organised, blog about an aspect of that organisation process, whether that be a particularly neat and tidy knitting bag, a decorative display of your crochet hooks, your organised stash or your project and stash pages on Ravelry

Tidy...hmmm I use to know the meaning of that One time this year I tried to organize my stash.

I gave up and let those that werent capture, run free.


Isabel Caroline said...

That first picture had me feeling great shame over my lack of organization!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see I'm not the only one with free-range yarn roaming the house.

Anonymous said...

run free, pretty yarn, run free!

Anonymous said...

LOL. I assume you have a system that works for you, and that's all that matters. I'm sure my yarn would like to run for its freedom sometimes.

Alexandra said...

I love those boxes!

Stefanie said...

At least ^^ you're mostly organized and that's what counts. Mine is the same way.

rachel said...

Yep, my yarn gets the run of the house, too. As long as you can always find it, that's what matters!