Well, I've made it to another year in tack and I am grateful. I love that fresh, new year scent of hope in the air as I embark on my knitting adventures. I have very few resolutions this year, and I really hope to keep them all.
1. Try something different in knitting.
Doing the same stuff over and over again may be putting me in a rut.
2. Get over purling (I hate to purl) either change the method of purling
or just suck it up and do it!
3. Do the sweater. Been shying away from big projects but StephCuddle
has made me soooo jealous with her beautiful sweaters that I am going
to bite the bullet and do one this year.
(OK for those folks that really know me, stop snickering)
4. Tackle the "I hate you, I hate you" basket; learn, repair and finish.
5. Stash control. That one gives me the woollies, ;) but I have to control my
rampant acquirement of yarn. Finish a project, then buy yarn.
Exceptions: All the Stitches and sheep and wool events, (yep, I'm sneaky)
and any luxury yarn that is half off. (I'm human people!)
I am trying to push myself to improving my knitting skill set,
to conquer start-itis, to organize my equipment and to fly.
One of these things are not like the other. -smiles-
Again, Happy New Year Knitting!!!
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