Friday, May 28, 2010

Me VS The Machines. Machines Are Winning, Film At 11

Ok there really is an electronic revolt at my home. My computer keeps acting up, my camera is MIA, my new mouse tried to go on the lam (found the critter hiding under yarn on my desk) and my printer stop working. Paranoia? I think not! Then again maybe every thing stop working because of fear. I have a little mutant dust bunny problem. Why can't I get rid of the bunnies? 'Cause they ate the broom and use the dust pan as a skate board. I just have way too many problems!!! -smiles-

My wrists and thumb are feeling better but I'm not sure they're up to "Rambo" knitting. Gonna take it easy. Maybe I'll do a dishcloth or a gauge swatch (egads me swatch...I know I'm desperate!) Anyway I'll try it in between baking cookies. (that's if the stove hasn't joined the revolt!)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

'Cause I Like It That Way

I love getting packages in the mail. The excitement and anticipation of opening something you've waited for, the realization of your conquest, and the satisfaction of holding your yarn babies in your hand. (yeah its about yarn -smiles-) 

I ordered gloss lace yarn from Knitpicks in fiesta (red) and ultramarine (deep blue), and I can't wait until I can knit again. I see shawls in my future and I'm getting my things bagged with the pattern (a major first for me) in anticipation of my release from non knitting h, e, double hockey sticks (cheesy grin) It's amazing when you are denied access to something you want. It makes  you want it even more.

Still reading trashy stuff. Just how many books does the series Rouge Angel have?? Every time I look there's another one in the series. I'm thinking the author has rabbit genes!! Did come across a book, The Warded Man by Peter Brett, that was excellent at least by my standards, (Sci Fi/Fantasy addict), and would recommend it with great enthusiasm!

Didn't get a chance to try out some of the recipes from Steph Cuddles, but I will shoot for next weekend when I really have the time to bake and sneak in a little knitting to see if the thumbs and wrist will hold up, but until then, I'll just stalk lace patterns. knitting blogs, and Ravelry (legendary site for wool handlers)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bad Luck...Takes A Lickin' But Keeps On Tickin'

My iPod hates me and is in cohoots with my computer. Together they have sabotaged my DVD player just when I got it working again and my computer refuses to play my DVDs. I expect to see the Terminator any minute now.

I don't know what I did to piss of the Techno Godletts (probably that phrase among many), but without my knitting to soothe and calm me, I've got a bat and I know how to use it!!!! Argh!  Can't anything go my way even once??? Actually I shouldn't complain (fat chance)  'cause my computer has been good to me for the last few years, however, just like a marriage it's beginning to get that "itch" that only veiled threats can abate, or overt threats that only a swinging bat can convey. Yep I need knitting 'cause I'm actively considering violence towards inanimate objects and I think they're thinking the same thing...hmmmm

In brighter news -smiles- I've made a few yarn purchases in anticipation of knitting again (whenever that is). Nothing earth shattering, but for some reason, I am leaning towards the color pink. I'm guessing pink is a soothing color and naturally I want my angst to be gone. Still looking for my camera and wondering if it's join the electronics revolution against me. What color soothes paranoia??? -smiles-

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Another Saturday Night and I Ain't Got No Knitting...Cha Cha Cha

I've injured my wrist. Too much knitting, gaming, texting and did I mention I type for a living?? My thumbs are killing me so I'm going down the icy road (ice wrist wraps) and have given up knitting, texting and gaming for awhile. Geez who knew my life was so wrapped up in those three things, and it's killing me! I can do without gaming for awhile, if I must. I can ease up on texting, (egads), but putting down knitting has forced me to do something I have given up for awhile.

I must shamefully confess I am now reading novels. Yep it's trash reading time, since I can't create lovely things from my needles, I'll just mess up my mind with trashy books ('cause I don't want to do anything that will expand my mind -lol-), and since I am a shameless Sci Fi/Fantasy addict, guess what shelves I've been cruising at Borders. Catching up on a few series like Kelly Armstrong's Men of the Other World (trust me I've read them all-not  trashyat all but it popped up first in my mind); Outlander by Diana Gabaldon ( some of that should be read with feet in cold water or wrists -smiles-) and Alex Archer Rouge Angel series (yep I said series...yeah I'm ashamed but entertained!) It's not replacing knitting, but I do what I must so that I can continue to knit, swear, rip back, re-knit, lose my place, short row by accident, look blankly into space and wonder how the heck did I knit that, forget the instructions, look for the instructions, try to wipe coffee off the instructions, run off another copy of the instructions, drop a stitch, repeat...Yep I'm a knitter and not a quitter. (and just abit off balanced) -smiles-

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I've Been Touch by Charlie Brown..Or Murphy's Law...

My life right now is the pits. I'm computer depressed 'cause nothing is the same. My comfort level is gone, and am mourning the differences (n the fact that I have to update everything endlessly!) At this rate I might as well update to windows 7. OK I'm not that depressed! -lol- Yeah I know windows 7 is great, but so is XP 'cause I know how it works from long days and nights of fighting with it. We were friends, but that darn mouse, well, you know that story. Still waiting to hear from the taxidermist.

 Knitting is getting better. Almost finished my shawlette and have started another one in the same pattern but with lace yarn this time. Yep I made a mistake already, but it was due to police activity and I was being really nosey. Do street dealers really think no one is watching? I walk around in a fog most of the time and I have notice them. Would be nice if there were no more illegal drug trafficking in this world. I  tinked back to my mistake and now am back on track. Also waiting for cotton yarn to start lacy hand warmers for summer. I'll post pictures later when I find my camera.

I love lace and I am so determined to become good at it that I am always searching for simple lace patterns to try. It's an obsession and I have loads of lace yarn that must be used before they find my body (I'm sure it will be with knitting in my hands and hoards of pretty and colorful yarn at my feet),  and muggles, (non-knitters), will shake their collective heads and wonder why I had so much yarn. Knitters will nod their collective heads in understanding, and keep an extra eye on ebay ( when it comes to yarn, knitters can be a bit cutthroatish) -smiles-

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mouse, 1...Me, Crying

Yep the revolt was successful. That darn mouse drove me to tears. It blew out my system so I had to reformat the hard drive and lose mostly everything...including parts of my mind that make me civilized! Technology is such a two way sword, but why is it that I'm the one with the knife wounds??? Argh!
Thanks Shellie for the suggestion, but I had already taken it apart, clean out the dust and stuff, and put it back together, um, so totally wrong that the lights on my mouse didn't blink anymore. I never said I was a mechanic and you should never, ever take something apart in anger. It'll never be like it was, then again, what is these days?
I bought a wireless mouse. The old mouse is going to a taxidermist to get stuffed and hung on my wall. Yeah, I'm into tech trophies -smiles- Hopefully in a week everything will be up and running as close to normal as possible. Despite all the tech drama, I managed to keep knitting on my shawl and it's my only bright spot in a crazy week. It's growing and I realized that I don't have enough yarn to make it as big as I now want it. It was suppose to originally be a kerchief from another pattern I just couldn't get the hang of and now I'm so loving the ease of this pattern, that I want to make it gigantic but two little words are stopping me...dye lots. Whats a shawl addicted knitter to do???

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Need Computer Jail

My computer has taken me hostage. Just when I needed it the most. It decided to make demands that I could not fulfill. My mouse stop working. I refuse to get another mouse and have been fighting with it for 4 days. Today I won, tomorrow, who knows??? I'm taking advantage of the lull in the battle to get stuff done before "mousy" decides to act up again. I'm of course thinking conspiracy as the world is addicted to computers and the "mice" are beginning the revolution. Well the revolution may be missing this darn mouse, 'cause I demand obedience from my rodents. -smiles-
Knitting is coming along slowly. As my shawl grows (yeah baby, it's growing!), I need longer (cable length) needles. I order them from Jimmy Bean but haven't heard anything as yet. I'm liking this pattern so much that I'm thinking of doing it again but with beads. Yep, I'm branching out.
Funny thing overheard on the bus...Elderly woman was talking (loudly) on her cell phone and was telling her friend that when she places her order she can get her free shipping for free.  We are a scary nation!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

knitcroblo7-WHAT A YARN-Creatively Dyed Yarns

Creatively Dyed Yarns. This women has great color sense and I love, love, love her yarn. First found her when I visited Stitches East last year and nearly went crazy by all she had to offer. Just ordered a few skeins from her, (yes I am constantly stash building because I have squirrelish tendencies), and she wrapped each skein in tissue paper tied with ribbon and sent little gifts that made me feel so special! Please check out her website . Now, have I knitted anything with this beautiful yarn? No. Why?  'cause I'm looking for that special project to use this yarn. I love looking at it, touching it and petting it. It just makes me happy and fills my head with dreams of knitting greatness. I know when I finally find that special project and use my yarn, heavenly choirs will sing, monks will chant, knitters will swoon and I will be awarded the coveted "Knitter of the World" trophy. -lol- Until then, I'll just keep my yarn babies safe and let the wonderful colors inspire me!
It has been such a pleasure blogging and reading participating knitting and crocheting blogs this week. It's amazing the talent knitters and crocheters have, and the stories that were told. Some blogs were poignant, while others were very funny;  but  all revealed a little bit of the inner light in us all. I hope that this event happens again and that we can all get an update on life in the knitting field.